Have you ever googled yourself, just to see what turns up? I do, periodically, just to make sure that I have a good idea of what’s “out there” with my name attached to it. (P.S. The stuff on “My Life” is laughably waaaay off. ) There are apparently many, many people in the world who share my name, who are not, in fact, me. I married into a prolific family, lots of folk with similar names - even my former mother-in-law shares my first and last names. My own sister, in an attempt at identity theft, often goes by versions of my name, where she has woven her own name into various confusing iterations that combine our two names into something remarkably similar. (Don’t worry, my poor credit rating protects me from any serious scams! Too many years spent struggling as a child of divorce, a single parent with a deadbeat ex-husband, as a public school teacher married to a grad student, trying to put my kids through college, paying as I went - I’ve been poor my entire life!) That’s all water under the bridge.....but for some reason, this photo, of some other middle-aged plump woman sunning herself, keeps getting attached to my name. Not sure why, or why it bothers me. Not me, or my feet.....I don’t have bunions under the big toes, as this person does, my own knees are covered in scars from various surgeries, I don’t have freckles, my feet aren’t that big (I have the “toes of Venus”), and I would never take a photo of my legs like this and post it online bc it is boring! What, exactly, is the subject here? Sunlight on thighs? Argh!
P.S. I suspect these are the feet of my m-i-l, who has the exact same name as me, and her husband shares my husband’s name. Our credit histories are forever intwined as a result……
PS Below: These are my feet